Way-2-Cute Cardigan

$14.99 $5.99

Ideal for chilly nights or concealing her bruised, battered arms, this cotton cardigan is one she’ll reach for again and again. An added bonus: It doubles as a baby blanket she can use to comfort her child. 

For the price of this cardigan you can donate to Save the Children to help keep children around the world warm and protected from harm. 



  • Girls around the world are being forced to marry men sometimes four times their age and become mothers too soon. 

  • Even the smallest donation can help change their fate.
Return Policy: When child mothers try to return to school and other daily activities, they’re often shunned by their community and unable to live a normal life.

Delivery: Your donation can deliver child mothers from harm and give them their childhood back. 


On-the-Go Handbag

On-the-Go Handbag

"Sweeten Her Day" Chocolates

"Sweeten Her Day" Chocolates